اللبن | الدحيح
تدور أحداث هذه الحلقة حول فهم أهمية اللبن في سياق تاريخي وإجتماعي. تبدأ هذه الحلقة بصورتين متناقضتين للبن في يومنا الحالي: اللبن كإكسير الحياة واللبن ك سم قاتل
Czerny, Sarah. (2022). Absent Interests: On the Abstraction of Human and Animal Milks. New York: BRILL.
Daddona, Matthiew. “Got milk: How the iconic campaign came to be, 25 years ago.” Fast Company, June 13, 2018. https://www.fastcompany.com/40556502/got-milk-how-the-iconic-campaign-came-to-be-25-years-ago
Dawson, Charlie. “George Cheyne and the Cure for Disorders of the Mind.” Historical Medical Library, June 2, 2022. https://histmed.collegeofphysicians.org/george-cheyne-and-the-cure-for-disorders-of-the-mind/
DuPuis, E. Melanie. (2002). Nature’s perfect food : how milk became America’s drink. New York University Press.
Mendelson, Anne. (2023). Spoiled : the myth of milk as a superfood. Columbia University Press.
Velten, Hannah. (2010). Milk : a global history. London: Reaktion Books.
Wiley, Andrea S. (2014). Cultures of milk : the biology and meaning of dairy products in the United States and India. Harvard University Press.
The association between dairy products and the risk of COVID-19
Fighting COVID-19 with milk?
الرابط الاصلي للحلقة على اليوتيوب