أكاديمية الإعلام الجديد

الدحيح | جري الوحوش

مين اخترع الجري؟


كتاب corporate athele
كتاب the complete book of running
كتاب the age of fitness
كتاب running and being – george sheehan

قصة jim fixx
history of running shoes and the 70s boom
قصة treadmills
فوائد الجيم في المكتب

Images Credits:
AP (Jim Fixx/ NYC Marathon Paticipants)
Lydiard Foundation (Arthur Lydiard)
Researcher gate (ECG)
Wikimedia Commons (Hunter-Gatherer /Frank Shorter/ Bill Bowerman/ Phil Knight/ William Staub/ Oscar wilde/ Robert Bruce/ George A. Sheehan)
cooperinstitute.org (Kenneth Cooper/ space program training)

Runnersworld. com (Women of Boston Marathon/ Pacemaster)
Britannica (Goddess Nike / old treadmill in prison / Sir William Cubitt)
Newspaper. Com (Nike Ads in 70s/ Jim fix’s death news/
Nobelprize. Org (Willem Einthoven)
Time Magazine (America Shapes up Cover, Nov.1981 Issue)
Nike. Com (Nike Shoes / Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight)

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