نهاية الديناصورات | الدحيح
تفاصيل اللقاءات الأولى مع الديناصورات.
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نهاية حزينة لقصة الكائنات التي سادت الأرض لملايين السنين، التي -برغم انقراضها- مازالت تأسر قلوبنا وتثير خيالنا بتساؤلات عن عصرهم؛ ماذا أكلوا، وما كانت أشكالهم، وما السرعة التي تحركوا بها، وكيف كانت حياتهم اليومية؟ وهل يمكن استنساخها من جديد؟ وهل يمكننا التعايش معها بشكل؟ وكيف نعرف كل هذه الأمور عن الديناصورات؟
1- كيف تتشكل الأحافير؟ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID7qhn1ipmw
2- يوم ماتت الديناصورات. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFCbJmgeHmA
3- Why This 18th-Century Naturalist Believed He’d Discovered an Eyewitness to the Biblical Flood https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/why-18th-century-naturalist-believed-hed-discovered-eyewitness-biblical-flood-180973973/
4- Is it possible to clone a dinosaur? | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/54574-can-we-clone-dinosaurs.html
Can we bring dinosaurs back? https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/could-scientists-bring-dinosaurs-back.html
5- What If a Giant Asteroid Had Not Wiped Out the Dinosaurs? | Live Science https://www.livescience.com/33275-what-if-asteroid-wiped-out-kill-dinosaurs-extinct.html
6- Scrotum Humanum — Miguel Ángel Salazar http://www.wimpysalazar.com/scrotum-humanum
7- When Were the First Dinosaur Bones Discovered? https://www.wondriumdaily.com/when-were-the-first-dinosaur-bones-discovered/
8- Perception of dinosaurs evolves over time | Brantford Expositor https://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/opinion/columnists/perception-of-dinosaurs-evolves-over-time
9- Our knowledge of dinosaurs is evolving. So is how we depict them https://qz.com/1579292/our-knowledge-of-dinosaurs-is-evolving-so-is-how-we-depict-them
10- Artistic Depictions of Dinosaurs Have Undergone Two Revolutions – Scientific American Blog Network https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/tetrapod-zoology/artistic-depictions-of-dinosaurs-have-undergone-two-revolutions/
11- Landmark Study: Dinosaurs Were in Their Prime When Asteroid Hit Earth https://scitechdaily.com/landmark-study-dinosaurs-were-in-their-prime-when-asteroid-hit-earth/
12- Mysticism and rudely-shaped rocks: why 17th-century palaeontology is worth revisiting | Palaeontology | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/sep/07/mysticism-and-rudely-shaped-rocks-why-17th-century-palaeontology-is-worth-revisiting
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