الدحيح | تشارلي شابلن
الفنان اللي غير شكل الكوميديا.. من غير كلمة واحدة
1- My Autobiography – Charlie Chaplin (https://www.goodreads.com/cs/book/show/8045345)
2- Chaplin: His Life and Art – David Robinson (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1113174)
Articles and Related Links:
1- https://youtu.be/w40e_PFTsUY
2- https://youtu.be/7TDMkpLxq5w
3- https://youtu.be/cbzyHaWlcHI
British Pathe (shots from: Charlie Chaplin In Cherbourg )
Wikimedia Commons (Posters of “Limelight”, “Modern Times”, “Monsieur Verdoux”, “A woman of Paris”, “The Kid”,”The Gold Rush”, “city lights”, “A king in New York/ Sydney Chaplin/ Fred Karno/Charlie Chaplem Sr/ Hannah Hill/ Stan Laurel/ Adam Kessel/ Mack Sennett/ The Little Tramp/ Mildred Harris/ Lita Grey/ J Edgar Hoover / Joan Barry/ Chaplin recieves the oscar)
charliechaplinarchive. org ( Fred Karno Company / Young charlie chaplin/ The
Drunkard/ Chaplin in Fred KArno Company / The little tramp’s costume / Jackie Coogan/news about headlines about chaplin’s marriages/ chaplin in court /Joan Barry Case’s news )
charliechaplin. com (Hannah Hill as an actress/ Chaplen movies’ credits/ Chaplin’s House in Geneva/ oona o’neill)
Charlie Chaplen official Youtube Channel (5 seconds shot from “Charlie Chaplin – County Orphan Asylum / Rooftop Chase” – 3 seconds shot from “Charlie Chaplin – Final Speech from The Great Dictator”/ 5 seconds shot from “Factory Work- Modern Times, 1936′ )
rarenewspapers . com (Headlines about Joan barry’s baternity lawsuit/ Headlines about Chaplin’s barring from US/ Chaplin returns after 20 years / Chaplin’s death news)
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